Trust God and Practice Patience !!!

In these trying times when the only thing that is certain is UNCERTAINTY,  we must not lose patience. Yes, these are chaotic times, but, remember out of chaos is born order. Do not shy away from donning a new _avtaar_ by rising from the chaos and reinventing yourself. Do not resist- it will only result in pain. Smile and sing your way through life- that’s the only way to survive and come out stronger at the other end. ~Latika Teotia

Always Believe in Yourself !!!

Your identity does not lie in your struggles, your diseases or your failed relationships. Your true identity lies in “How” you handled yourself during those situations . So take pride in being what you are !!! ~Latika Teotia


Never give up and say it’s “The End” !!!

If you fall down, don’t just stay there. Get up and get going. Life is much more than the heart break, the heart ache, the pain, the sorrow, the misery and the loneliness. It’s about picking yourself up. Never give up and say it’s “The End”. It’s okay to have a heart break, feel left out, feel depressed, feel sad and feel miserable. That’s the time to remind yourself that you are after all human and that you are not the only one who feels that way. Take a break, catch your breath and move on. Surprise yourself by discovering your inner strength to get up, get going and come out smiling in the end . ~Latika Teotia