Get rid of the source of distress !!!

We can deal with the whole world and smile even if things go wrong because other people don’t mean much to us; their place in our life is, at best, temporary. But when those we love also become the cause of our pain, then it’s time to relook at our relationships and priorities.

If someone is causing us endless pain and is not ready to yield, then it’s better to carry out a surgical operation and get rid of the source of such distress. Just as it’s better to get rid of a tumor before it afflicts the rest of the body so also relationships that become a drain on our emotions, well being, happiness and peace must be severed at the earliest. We shouldn’t punish ourselves for their toxic behaviour or their mistakes. It’s time to take a look at our own interests too.
~Latika Teotia

Fill your relationship with love and understanding !!!

None of us is perfect, yet some of us seek perfection in others and that is the root cause of broken relationships as well as misery. We should rather focus on making relationship perfect by filling it with love, understanding and mutual respect. Like it is said that soul mates are not met they are made.
~Latika Teotia

Never lose faith, always repose your trust in God !!!

Never lose faith in God. Remember that He is always there by our side watching over us and steering us in the right direction. We are continuously evolving into better human beings and growing spiritually. It is during this process of evolution that we become confused, restless, depressed and even hostile because we are not aware of this change in us. We may even feel that God has forsaken us- which couldn’t be farther from the truth, because He will never leave you, no matter how difficult the times may be. It is this ignorance that is the cause of all our miseries and confusions; the realization comes only once we share our worries with someone knowledgeable who tells us about God and His mysterious ways of working. So never lose faith, always repose your trust in God. ~Latika Teotia

Never give up !!!

If you fall down, don’t just stay there. Get up and get going. Life is much more than the heart break, the heart ache, the pain, the sorrow, the misery and the loneliness. It’s about picking yourself up. Never give up and say it’s “The End”. It’s okay to have a heart break, feel left out, feel depressed, feel sad and feel miserable. That’s the time to remind yourself that you are after all human and that you are not the only one who feels that way. Take a break catch your breath and move on. Surprise yourself by discovering your inner strength to get up, get going and come out smiling in the end. ~Latika Teotia

Let go and move on !!!

The best way to move on and move forward is to let go of the past. By past I mean everything hurtful, everything that brings or reminds us of pain, everything that was unpleasant and everything that led to disappointments. Unless you do that, the way forward will continue to be uphill. Let go and move on. ~Latika Teotia