Create ME time and make self care your main priority !!!

More often than not we forget to give time to ourselves; we are so caught up in our daily lives that we ignore our wants, desires and wishes. Don’t lose your identity in this busy world; don’t give false promises to yourself saying that you will live it up once you have reached a certain level. Don’t put your career ahead of yourself otherwise you will either break down or burn out. Take time off for yourself and the right time to do that is NOW. Self care is just as important, if not more, as your career goals. You can do justice to your daily life, your career, your ambitions and your dreams provided you are well and alive. So now on create the ME time, nourish your soul and make self care your main concern. ~Latika Teotia

Life is not just about rushing through. It’s also about taking a break !!!

God’s simple Blessings are nothing short of miracles. That rain drop trapped in a leaf, that glistening dew drop which has just caught the first rays of a new born sun, that sweet song of the Nightingale, those beautiful woolly clouds with their unique designs (have you ever noticed that clouds never make the same design twice- and we humans struggle to draw something new or write something unique), the pit pit patter of the rain creating a music of its own. These are but some of His Blessings that make me look up in awe at our Creator. So caught up are we in our daily lives with our monotonous routine that we fail to notice the millions of miracles happening all around us. Pause. Look around. Notice. Feel. ~Latika Teotia