HOPE keeps us going !!!

Our inner strength and self belief comes into play when we face rough weather. By nature we are reluctant to move out of our comfort zones but when pushed into a corner we jump up to face what life throws at us.

We realise subsequently in hindsight that whatever happened was good and we feel glad that it happened the way it did as well as at the time it did. It could be the breakup of a rotten and difficult relationship which we had been unsuccessfully trying to maintain or it could be a job that was giving us endless nightmares and such like situations or circumstances.

When we pass through such transitional period it is HOPE that keeps us going. Hope, that things can’t remain as bad forever. Hope, that we’ll see light at the end of the long tunnel of dark despair. Hope, that a bright sunshine awaits us the end of the seemingly endless gloomy night. Nurture that hope, never let it die. Keep a positive attitude. ~Latika Teotia

May God bless us all with more love , more peace and more light !!!

May God show light to those who are groping in the dark not knowing which direction to take and in the process hurting others- knowingly or unknowingly.  A single humble candle can defeat even the most stubborn darkness; an enlightened person can clear the cobwebs of even the most confused mind. May God enlighten everyone- especially those that hurt others. ~Latika Teotia

Prayer for today !!!

O God, I’m grateful for this gift of another beautiful day. I pray that just as You give us a new gift of life every day, may we too value it as much. May Thy love and light always show us the right path. May we always be compassionate and kind to others. May we never ignore someone in need. Bless us O God so that we become the instruments of Thy wishes. ~Latika Teotia


I’ve found that grief is not permanent and pain never lasts.There is always light at the end of a dark tunnel-as surely as day follows a dark night. I wrote this poem in a moment of despair. When I felt aggrieved and totally drained out. I struggled with my broken heart and found the strength to see beyond that grief. These sad moments had also taught me an invaluable lesson and brought me even more close to God.

Rain to Rainbow

I was lonely and I was in pain,
I sat quietly and watched the rain.
With each single drop, my pain did decrease,
I waited with hope for it to cease.

I picked up the broken pieces of my heart,
Even grief, though brief, had played a part.
Lord behold I spotted a rainbow at the end,
In my life, mercifully, it was only a bend.

Thank you, O Lord, for this beautiful life,
And the invaluable lessons I learnt from this strife.
In the absence of pain, grief, problems and strife,
We forget God’s wonderful gift of life.
~Latika Teotia