I’m sure most parents of differently abled children will agree with me that these children helped us in evolving in a soulful way & made us more compassionate. We learnt so much in this journey of taking care of our differently able child. We also realised that God is never unfair- if closes the door He opens a window. He compensates by blessing these children with super powers like patience, compassion, understanding, peace, even happiness and lets them retain their innocence. He gives immense strength and hope to the parents of children with special needs. Yes, we parents do get anxious when it comes to the security and care about our child after us- it is but human to do so. In such anxious moments, we should have full faith in God and believe that He was, is and will always be there with our children. He will find ways to extend His mercies through somebody, somehow. Thinking about the future we shouldn’t waste our precious moments with our children. Till we are around, fill their little world with hope and joy and be sure, their future will be taken care. We shouldn’t forget that God provides and takes care even of the smallest living being…~Latika Teotia