An Attitude Of Gratitude !!!

Have you ever stopped to appreciate the blessings in your life??? We all have family, friends, and acquaintances, yet we often feel alone in this crowded world. Why is that??? Perhaps because we focus more on what we lack than what we have. Human desires are endless, leaving us constantly searching for more. But this mindset of scarcity only leads to unhappiness. Instead, let us cultivate gratitude and find joy in what we already possess. True happiness comes from within and is not dependent on external factors…~~Latika Teotia

De-Stress and Avoid Distress !!!

It’s a known fact that, try as we might, we can’t please everyone. So instead of taking avoidable stress, we should just do our bit without expecting anything in return and focus more on nurturing those relationships which respect our being.~Latika Teotia