My prayer !!!

Dear Heavenly Father,

Sometimes, things happen in this world which leave a trail of sorrow. But, O God, we know that you love us. That you care for each one of us- even those that are the cause of sorrow for others. Please be by our side, show us Your light and lead us to peace and joy. Guide those that inflict pain on others so that they too get healed and start spreading joy. You are our last refuge; take us under your mighty wings so that no harm befalls us.

Amen !!!

Grant people grace and also practice loving kindness !!!

We are all trying very hard to be kind, considerate and compassionate. How much we succeed depends on which side of the table we are on. What we feel is our best foot forward may appear to be uncaring to others. So before forming opinions look within and grant people grace. As it is life is pretty difficult for us . No one really purposely wants to trouble or hurt anybody. ~Latika Teotia

Choose to be kind, gentle and full of grace !!!

This life is already very difficult for a lot of people. With age almost everyone has scars and we all are so very fragile. So, instead of reacting to anything, respond and try to understand. Choose to be kind, gentle and full of grace. ~Latika Teotia

Praise the Lord aloud !!!

If you have experienced God’s grace or His mercies or His innumerable miracles you must share with others, it’ll have a far reaching effect on people who are passing through difficult times and need solace. Don’t bother whether it’s a great story or whether you will be able to narrate it well. Your message or your story is more important than the narration. ~Latika Teotia

Grant people grace and also practice loving kindness !!!

We are all trying very hard to be kind, considerate and compassionate. How much we succeed depends on which side of the table we are on. What we feel is our best foot forward may appear to be uncaring to others. So before forming opinions look within and grant people grace. As it is life is pretty difficult for us . No one really purposely wants to trouble or hurt anybody. ~Latika Teotia

Grant people grace !!!

We are all trying very hard to be kind, considerate and compassionate. How much we succeed depends on which side of the table we are on. What we feel is our best foot forward may appear to be uncaring to others. So before forming opinions look within and grant people grace. As it is life is pretty difficult for us . No one really purposely wants to trouble or hurt anybody. ~Latika Teotia