Stop criticizing, start appreciating !!!

Be appreciative about others, don’t criticize or crib about them. Gossiping will only fill you with negativity. Speak well about others. Positivity begets positivity. Don’t be in a hurry to pass judgment or criticize, check yourself before you do. It’ll pass- once you make a deliberate effort to be positive. If you can’t speak well of others then you have no right to speak ill either. A critical attitude spoils everything. You aren’t happy; in turn you don’t give your best, resultantly you get ticked off. Because you get ticked off you crib and criticize little realizing that you started this vicious circle in the first place.

What, then, is the solution ??? It’s simple. Learn to see the good in everything and, more importantly, ignore the bad. Don’t go to the garden to see only those patches where there’s no grass, the beds where the flowers have not been able to bloom or the places where there are overgrown hedges. Instead go to relax, see the flowers in full bloom. Be thankful that you have sight to see things. Don’t criticize the elevator that broke down this morning- be thankful that you are strong enough to climb stairs. Don’t find fault with your boss and your job- be grateful that you have a job. Don’t look at the world through a tainted window- clean it first and you will realize that it’s bright and sunny outside. ~Latika Teotia

Live a life that makes your heart sing with joy !!!

Good or bad, happy or sad, everything that happens does so for a reason; no incident in this world is a stray occurrence. Don’t be unnecessarily perplexed or anxious about it- accept it. There’s no point resisting it because it was ordained. A strain of music, perhaps a song, at times a stray incident brings back memories of another day. Some may be nostalgically beautiful others may bring back that ache in the heart that you thought you had overcome long ago. Don’t stop them, let them keep flooding in. They are your memories of an era gone by. Feel them. Relive the good ones. Chew the cud of nostalgia. You will feel energized. The unhappy ones too are welcome, let them in. That pain that you feel once again is the purging of your heart. Feel that the ache for one last time and forgive those that caused the pain. Let go of those memories tenderly. Gently bid them adieu with love. You are a new person now. Those old memories have gone and they have left a space; you are now ready to accept new ones. Fill your life with love; spread it. Live life the way you want to. Do things that you have wanted to do all this while but were afraid to. Live the life that brings you happiness and makes your heart sing with joy. ~Latika Teotia

Live good !!!

God sent us into this world to spread love and joy. So live good and spread love as well as cheer. ~Latika Teotia