Practice Gratitude !!!

No doubt life isn’t easy and we have to deal with challenges and issues, but BUT   simultaneously we must also acknowledge and embrace our blessings. Without acknowledging the gifts in our lives, we will tend to remain empty, grumpy, snappy and touchy, convinced that we are “those of unlucky ones”. ~Latika Teotia

Be patient !!! Be encouraged !!!

If you want to change your life start by taking baby steps, one at a time, and follow your heart passionately. The very desire to change yourself for the better is a good beginning.

So go ahead, start your journey- sooner the better- and with that burning desire within you every step that you take brings you that much closer to your goal. But remember there are no shortcuts in life; you have to cross every stage and mark each milestone.

In your desire to reach earlier if you take shortcuts, it’s quite likely that you may wind up taking a long, grueling, laborious, tiring and more difficult path.
~Latika Teotia

Create the life you have always dreamt about !!!

Try to lead a life by setting a standard- a bench mark of sorts- that you would like to achieve. It could be based on the life of your ideal or someone that you were always in awe of or it could be your own target. And having done that focus all your energies into reaching that goal. ~Latika Teotia


Advertisements for women should focus on health, happiness,self confidence !!!

Most of the advertisements for women talk of only two things; one fair complexion and the other anti aging. This results in creating unnecessary complexes, especially for those with dark complexions or those who are on the other side of young age. Is that the only way to measure women? A dark complexioned lady too is just as beautiful as those with other complexions. Women becomes more mature, much more graceful, tactful, loving, caring, kind and all encompassing with the passage of time. They has been through life’s journey and picked up precious nuggets of wisdom along the way. Advertisements should, instead, focus on health, happiness, poise, self confidence, self belief and self esteem. By staying fit and in good health, women are indirectly contributing to society. Healthy, cheerful persons full of confidence will spread the message of good will and make this world a better place to live in.
~Latika Teotia

Fill your spirit with love, positivity and light !!!

Remove all your nagging self doubts and let your spirit soar. Focusing only on the positive and feeling grateful for what’s going well in your life is a way to live a life of abundance as well as bliss. Repeat to yourself over and over again that you are going to lead a wonderful life. Open yourself and fill your spirit with love, positivity and light. ~Latika Teotia