Be Your Best-self !!!

Perhaps 2022 is about making changes, shifting perspectives, letting go and releasing all that which is not adding life to our lives. Granting people more grace and being human as well as humane is very much needed. Let 2022 be our better version… ~Latika Teotia

God Provides And Takes Care !!!

I’m sure most parents of differently abled children will agree with me that  these children helped us in evolving in a soulful way & made us more compassionate. We learnt so much in this journey of taking care of our differently able child. We also realised that God is never unfair- if closes the door He opens a window. He compensates by blessing these children with super powers like patience, compassion, understanding, peace, even happiness and lets them retain their innocence. He gives immense strength and hope to the parents of children with special needs.  Yes, we parents do get anxious when it comes to the security and care about our child after us- it is but human to do so. In such anxious moments, we should have full faith in God and believe that He was, is and will always be there with our children. He will find ways to extend His mercies through somebody, somehow. Thinking about the future we shouldn’t waste our precious moments with our children. Till we are around, fill their little world with hope and joy and be sure, their future will be taken care. We shouldn’t forget that God provides and takes care even of the smallest living being…~Latika Teotia

Simplify Your Life & Create More Freedom !!!

When you try to define simplicity, you tend to straight jacket it into a laid down structure thus imprisoning yourself and tying yourself into knots. I decided to throw myself into the chaos called life and suddenly I found it was so very simple. Don’t look for definitions, directions just follow your heart… it’s as SIMPLE as that!!!! ~Latika Teotia

Trust God and Practice Patience !!!

In these trying times when the only thing that is certain is UNCERTAINTY,  we must not lose patience. Yes, these are chaotic times, but, remember out of chaos is born order. Do not shy away from donning a new _avtaar_ by rising from the chaos and reinventing yourself. Do not resist- it will only result in pain. Smile and sing your way through life- that’s the only way to survive and come out stronger at the other end. ~Latika Teotia

Brave Act Of Self-Care !!!

Sharing our worries and problems makes them seem less light- I speak from my own personal experience. It also helps us in finding solutions as well as in healing. When I opened up to my friends and shared my worries as well as problems, I not only felt lighter but also began to heal faster because I felt loved and cared.

Yes, initially when I was passing through tough times and withdrew myself, I did lose some people because I was not confident about their understanding me as well as my problems and felt that they would , instead of helping, be judgmental. During those miserable days, I pretended to be tough, brave and happy- though I knew in my heart of hearts that I desperately needed a shoulder to weep on.

Now when I look back, I feel I should have trusted the positive response from my near ones. Bad experiences from a couple of toxic relationships doesn’t mean that we put everybody in the same category.

I am sure there are many kind and sweet souls who would go all out to mend a broken wing. Trust them to help us find our feet because they genuinely care for us and even if they can’t solve our problems they can at least hear us out.

Instead of clamming up during our times of distress we should trust our friends because there are genuine people who can lift us and be the wind beneath our wings. ~Latika Teotia