Practice Self-Love !!!
My wish for you is that in 2022 may you start loving yourself so much that in turn you attract abundant love- as love is the panacea for all our ailments. Love heals, restores, unites, binds and conquers all… ~Latika Teotia
My wish for you is that in 2022 may you start loving yourself so much that in turn you attract abundant love- as love is the panacea for all our ailments. Love heals, restores, unites, binds and conquers all… ~Latika Teotia
Just reminding you- your mental well-being is of utmost importance. You don’t need to make adjustments especially when it comes to your values and beliefs. You don’t have to explain yourself and should be uncompromisingly straightforward when it comes to taking a stand on something YOU believe in. Let other people think what they wish to and leave if they want… YOU and YOUR peace is all that matters. That is all!!! ~Latika Teotia
If you are feeling that everything seems to be against you, nothing positive you are feeling about the situation, I would suggest you to find out the “Why”. Try to learn from the situation you have been put in. Take steps to change the situation for a positive outcome. Even if you cannot change the main issue, you can atleast change your reaction to it and that will take away half of the power from the negative issue…~Latika Teotia
Removing some of the very precious wishes from our bucket list doesn’t really mean that we are compromising or giving up on them, instead, it means that we are upgrading and evolving… ~Latika Teotia
Just get more loving with life and then you will really have a LIFE full of life …~Latika Teotia
Filled with tons of love, I am sending virtual hugs to all those who are “the Caretakers”. I absolutely understand and can relate that how difficult it becomes at times to remain positive, hopeful, compassionate and kind, because of excessive stress, overwork, low energy level, tiredness, overconcern, etc. In such situation, to raise the vibrations, we should practice gratitude, mindfulness, meditation, reciting mantras/ affirmations or cleansing. In short, we have to raise our vibrations to bring back the positive energy and loving vibes.
Right now, I am praying that you feel the warmth of God’s embrace and experience His peace… ~Latika Teotia
I extend my love and gratitude to all of those lessons which helped me in developing a compassionate attitude towards life and people …~Latika Teotia
When you try to define simplicity, you tend to straight jacket it into a laid down structure thus imprisoning yourself and tying yourself into knots. I decided to throw myself into the chaos called life and suddenly I found it was so very simple. Don’t look for definitions, directions just follow your heart… it’s as SIMPLE as that!!!! ~Latika Teotia
You can choose to be happy or miserable- that choice depends entirely on your own self. You don’t have to look far to find happiness; the first step is to count your blessings and express gratitude for them. One should never compare oneself with others; and if at all you want to, then do that with those beneath you or those who are less fortunate. If you can see (even though you may have to use glasses) then you are luckier than those who are visually handicapped and who would give their right arm to be able to see even from one eye. If you can hear, talk and walk then you are luckier than those handicapped on account of these. So next time you are feeling sad, down and depressed, just carry out this small exercise- count your blessings. Before long you’ll have enough reasons to feel uplifted and happy. ~Latika Teotia
Remove all your nagging self-doubts and let your spirit soar. Focusing only on the positive and feeling grateful for what’s going well in your life is a way to live a life of abundance as well as bliss. Repeat to yourself over and over again that you are going to lead a wonderful life. Open yourself and fill your spirit with love, positivity, and light. ~Latika Teotia