Spread the message of love and peace !!!

I am not in favour of suppressing freedom of expression or gagging the media but I’ve been increasingly feeling that we must play down a few things. More we talk of crimes, violence, unrest and so on the more the chances that these will increase.

Take a look around you, there is so much negativity being reported that one feels that only violence, crime, unrest and so on exist in this world and that there is no peace and tranquility. The mind works in such a way that people indulge in those things that are reported and so we see all around us that crimes have increased; rapes are increasing, shootouts are frequent, news of murders and killings occupy the front page and so on. So what’s the way out?

Well, for starters at least YOU can stop spreading news of crimes, violence and so on. Your focus should be on spreading the message of love, peace, harmony, honesty, unselfishness, charity and so on. It may be a small drop but at least it’ll be a beginning.~Latika Teotia