Happy persons SEE joy in everything; they don’t go SEARCHING for it. They see God’s miracles and learn to enjoy them. The flight of a bird, rainbow in the sky, fluttering of butterflies, children playing with gay abandon, an old couple in the park enjoying their togetherness, sunrise, clouds in the sky, a clear sunny day or the rhythm of the falling rain, and so many countless things fill them with joy.
Happy persons aren’t necessarily the rich or the famous ones. They are content with what they have and are delighted by even the smallest thing. Learn to enjoy what you have instead of hankering for more. Don’t be overly concerned about the past and don’t be anxious about the future either otherwise you’ll not be able to enjoy the present. ~Latika Teotia
Quite often I have conversations with my own self in my ‘me moments’ and take stock of my life. I express gratitude to God for what I have. I have learnt in the course of these ‘me moments’ that it’s best not to pursue what you cannot change and hanker for something which isn’t yours. Being envious of others for what they have doesn’t help; you have no idea what problems the others faced before they got what they have. Be content with what you have; God has already doled out what is yours and it will come to you in its own time. No amount of fretting or fuming will help in trying to get what’s not meant to be yours. Trust God and enjoy His gifts. ~Latika Teotia
We are greedy by nature and are not content with what we have; we fail to recognize our blessings and are forever hankering for more (some mistakenly call it ambition). It is only when we have nothing that we appreciate and value everything big or small; we become happy at even the smallest change in our fortunes.
We should remain content with whatever material wealth we possess and not close our eyes to the real riches that life has given us. Count your blessings. Lead a life of piety, of kindness, of empathy, of compassion and a life filled with love for ourselves as well as others. These are our true assets- our real treasures.
How people remember us behind our back while we are living and after we have passed on is the true wealth that we accumulate during our lives. So, try to leave a good legacy before that final adieu. ~Latika Teotia
We spend our entire lives chasing that elusive mirage called success because we mistake it for happiness. We say, “Let me achieve this and I’ll be happy,” little realizing that success alone cannot bring happiness. After the successful completion of one task there is another one and another and yet another… Happiness lies in contentment. True happiness is ours if we are content with what we have and don’t hanker for more. Bliss lies in being satisfied with what you have…~Latika Teotia