Most of the times, whatever happens to you is beyond your control, you cannot do much about it, but how you react or respond to it is very much in your domain and you can certainly control it.
Your child spills a glass of milk on your best dress when you are about to go for an important appointment is beyond your control but how you react to it is very much in your control. If you scream, shout, rebuke and kick up a fuss you have only worsened the situation, because, in all probability your child may burst into uncontrollable sobs and you may wind up getting delayed or miss the appointment altogether.
On the other hand, if you realise that it’s better to mollify the child, go upstairs and change into a fresh set of clothes you may retain the peace. People can and will be rude to you at times.Whether you react angrily and keep it in your heart, brooding over it or decide to side step is entirely up to you.
Yes, you may point out the behaviour in gentle but firm language and ensure that they don’t cross the line, but picking up a fight, reacting similarly or keeping a grudge in your heart will not help matters and you will be only harming yourself. So always act, don’t react and worsen things. ~Latika Teotia