At times we feel let down in relationships !!!
At times we feel let down in relationships when we don’t get what we expect. This could be because of two reasons. One, we don’t let the other person know what we expect. We may be more than perfect in our behaviour by being sensitive towards other persons, never doing anything that might hurt them or make them feel humiliated. We go the extra distance to make others comfortable in every sense.
In return, we expect them to behave likewise. The trouble starts when they don’t. We start burning inwards, start holding grudges and with the passage of time we make things worse for ourselves. All this while, the other person/s are not even aware of what we perceive to be unjust behaviour. The sensible thing to do is make the others aware of what we expect from them; sensitize them towards our feelings so that they behave with us the way we want them to. Second, there are people who are rude and crude by nature. Either drop them or be firm about what we expect from them. Make it crystal clear to them that either they mend their ways or they are out.
Remember, only you can love yourself and ensure that others respect you. ~Latika Teotia