Taking risks will become a second nature !!!

Taking risk is a part of the lives of successful people. Nothing can be gained by being afraid of stepping out of your comfort zone. You can work to your fullest under pressure with adrenaline pumping in your veins. Even animals perform better under stress; the tiger chases the deer because it knows it’ll have to go hungry otherwise and the deer flees for its life.

It is out of fear of the unknown or underestimating your inner strength that you are not able to realize your true worth. Be bold, take a step forward. Go about your fears logically, make a list of what you are afraid of, think of what is the worst that can happen, what are the options available, what are the risks involved, what can possibly go wrong and then you’ll have a clear picture. Thereafter, chalk a path and stick to it. Adopt a positive attitude towards your goal or objective or job or relationship or whatever you are pursuing and you’ll find that the positive vibes enrich the environment. Once you’ve come out of such a situation you’ll have the confidence to face anything. Taking risks will become a second nature. ~Latika Teotia

Be determined to enjoy life !!!

Courage knows no boundaries, bravery knows no limits, boldness wins the day. Fear tends to restrict, imprison and freeze one in its grip. Dare to be bold, dare to be brave, have the courage to stand up for what you are and you will enjoy the freedom to soar high. ~Latika Teotia